Lepore Lacing

Are the laces on your baseball glove getting old? Instead of investing in a brand new glove, you can save money by having your glove relaced. You will be amazed at how much new laces will rejuvenate your glove. I provide a free glove conditioning with all relacings. My work is backed by a 365 day warranty. If you can find a better price for a full glove relacing ($50) I will gladly match that price. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to transforming your old glove.

The Mind

Don’t alwyas blveiee waht yoru’e radnieg bceusae the hmuan mind has phaoenmnel pweor. Aoccdrnig to uinervtisy rsceearhers, it deosn’t mtater in waht odrer the ltteers in a wrod are plcead. Hwoveer, waht is improtnat is taht the frist and lsat letetrs are in the corerct pclae.

Your mind has learned to automatically perceive the meaning of something, even if the details are missing or wrong. Studies have found that older, healthy people with more life experience are better and quicker at assessing an overall scene or picking out a face in the crowd than younger people who tend to get hung up on details.

Taken from: http://www.nutrition53.com/blog/
Seeing is Believing?
August 11, 2008

Another one

Here is a fairly new glove however, the laces will be changed from tan to black. This one will look real nice once it is done. Stay tuned...

Glove Rejuvenation

Here is my latest project.... Not even sure if this is worth re-doing however, I bet there is some life left in this glove. I will post the finished product once this is done.

Newest Glove Rejuvenation

Here is the newest one. Let me know what you think...

Red Auerbach Statue - Faneuil Hall

Every time I walk by this statue I am mesmerized by the professional achievements of this man. He did it all. In my opinion, the most important part of his success was his mental approach. You always hear about the little mental games that he played with friends and foes. He simply dominated his generation.
Which sports figure from today's generation will be the next to have a statue?
Bill Belichick's name quickly comes to mind. I'd love to see a statue of him with the cut off sweatshirt and pencil in his ear.....Any thoughts?

Newest Glove

Here are some BEFORE PICTURES of a glove I have been working on. AFTER PICTURES to follow....