Lepore Lacing

Are the laces on your baseball glove getting old? Instead of investing in a brand new glove, you can save money by having your glove relaced. You will be amazed at how much new laces will rejuvenate your glove. I provide a free glove conditioning with all relacings. My work is backed by a 365 day warranty. If you can find a better price for a full glove relacing ($50) I will gladly match that price. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to transforming your old glove.

The Captain's Mitt

For the last few years I wondered why Jason Varitek has so much slack in the web of his mitt. Most catchers like a tightly laced web, however, Tek's looks like it is falling apart at times. Any thoughts?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the answer for you from the makers of his mitt. Click on the two links below:



If they don't work, go to:


That is the "archived" page of the news on this unofficial site. Scroll down and check out the news dated June 13th.